Welcome to wildflower season in Llano County! This area of the Texas Hill Country is well-known for the gorgeous and abundant wildflowers that bloom each spring along roadsides and in fields. Believe it or not, native Texas wildflowers love the rugged terrain. The hardy flowers thrive in a variety of soil types, and even the unpredictable weather does not faze them.
Texas 16 and Texas 29 put on quite a show each spring. Travelers are treated to miles and miles of color along the highways throughout Llano County. Those who prefer to ramble along the backroads will be glad they did. Bluebonnets, Indian paintbrushes, coreopsis, Mexican hats, Indian blankets, and many other colorful wildflowers drench the already scenic landscape in Llano County with a palette of spectacular colors.
A bluebonnet-covered train track, wildflowers lining the banks of the Llano River, and a small country chapel sitting amidst a field of flowers are some of the county’s photo-worthy hotspots that can be found on a wildflower photo tour of Kingsland. Visitors will find many other photo opportunities such as herds of cattle, including longhorns, grazing in color-splashed fields. Wildflower sunsets are simply breathtaking. Pick up a few pointers on wildflower photography and snap away!
Instead of calling them the “red ones” or the “yellow ones with a maroon center,” increase your knowledge and wildflower vocabulary. Should you want to put a name with a flower, check out this wildflower identification guide. Wildflower season typically runs from March through June. March kicks off with primarily red-orange and blue hues of Indian paintbrushes and bluebonnets. April and May are typically peak months with the largest variety of flowers in bloom. Some bloom later in the season and stick around through fall. Make a list of your favorites and embark on a wildflower scavenger hunt.
Come for the flowers and make a weekend out of it. Enjoy a stay at a country cabin such as Steinhaus Ranch with its own wildflower view. Be sure to explore downtown Llano, where you will find local shopping, dining, and drinking spots. Visit this spring and find out why Llano County goes wild for wildflowers.